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Success stories

My Personal Story

I have always been rather athletic, but terribly skinny. As life progressed the weight started to strap on, unfortunately not in the places I wanted or as the type of weight I wanted. 

I did what everyone does. I read the fitness magazines, all of them! I performed all their crazy exercises, all the time. I followed their ever changing diet plans. I was working isolated muscles, group muscles, supersets, total body, 8 sets, 10 sets, pyramids, you name it. I was there. I jumped on the diets. I was eating massive quantities, rotating quantities, high protein, low-carb, medium everything, no eating after 6, no eating upon waking, eating while walking backwards. You get the idea. 

What did all this get me? 

Zip, nada, nothing! This is what all that work and alleged professional advice could provide me? It seemed ridiculous. True, some people can jump in the gym and put on mass. I unfortunately did not have one of those body types that responded in that way. Poor me. 

The Change

I doubled down. I gave up on all the random advice and unsupported info. I started looking to my body for the answers. Just as some people respond to particular medicines that others don't, so goes the response of the body to exercise. 

I went through just about every study on diet and exercise I found relevant. I read all the material from everyone I considered to be an expert on the body from training to movement. I came across lots of information contrary to what was being spread in fitness magazines, by alleged authorities and common knowledge.

I put this information into practice and tweaked it to my own personal needs. I began using it with others. What I found was inspirational. Not only were people able to lose weight and gain lean muscle but they did so without living through periods of starvation, suffering the terrible effects of low calorie diets and fatiguing workouts.

The answer all along wasn't to work harder but to work smarter. No surprise there. The body wanted certain things I wasn't giving it in order to respond and it wasn't more work or less food. It was simply the right formula for the body based on basic biology and physiology.

The Results

In short order things fell into place. Eating became more about fuel necessity rather than mindless eating. I didn't have to throw out everything I enjoyed. I simply had to tweak my dietary habits around certain eating. After reaching my goals maintenance allowed me even more leniency in what I decided to eat. It is not uncommon, these days, for me to eat an entire pizza during the week with cake or chocolate and other niceties every night. Certain things were adaptable, and surprisingly similarly tasting, to the things I had loved before.

The outcome?

I now hover around 9-10% body fat at 150lbs. I can swing that if I choose but my body prefers this weight and percentage. If I choose to gain the eating has to increase significantly and it becomes uncomfortable. Maintaining that increase also becomes a chore. If I wish to cut further, say to 6%, I do have to get quite strict with my eating, but whats the point? This is a great look with no hassle. Why fight what is natural? This is where the majority of the human bodies would not only like to be, for egos sake, but would prefer to be from a biological standpoint.

Yes, somethings are off limits. Its not that I can't eat them periodically, but if I do it goes against me staying in this condition. These aren't surprising items either. Sodas, candies, etc. These things have very little to offer in terms of nutrition anyway and most everyone knows they will destroy biohealth markers and hormone homeostasis. This isn't anything you haven't heard from any Dr or health/fitness book so it shouldn't be a turn off to following what I dish.

The question is, are you ready? Do you want to get where your body would prefer to be anyway from a functional/health standpoint? Do you want to have the body you see in magazines and fought to attain with no success because you were given the wrong information since childhood? If so, lets get started. Follow the buy paypal button at the top of All The Way Fitness home page and purchase the consult you think will help you most. I can get you there as you will see from the ongoing success stories I will begin posting. The science and biology of the body are clear on the matter of how this works. This is not new. Im simply giving it to you at a fraction of the price of a trainer who knows nothing of all this. The same trainers and nutritionists who get their dietary and fitness advice from the very sources I attempted to utilize before I took a peek through the looking glass.

Enjoy the benefits. Stop wasting time, effort, and your money. Get started and don't look back!


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